
In Synch: Sights, Sounds, and Research

This video is about the importance of both ears working together and both eyes working together to synch up sights with sounds. A synch up brain maintain brain functions and is critical for brain development.

CAPD Intervention

Evaluation findings guide auditory-visual training protocols to strengthen auditory and visual neural pathways.

The Link Between Vision and Hearing

The inner ear's vestibular system helps coordinate your head, neck, and eye movement needed for maintaining single vision while reading and moving with confidence.  The eyes must be able to keep up with your movement.

Who Knew Hearing Your Own Voice Affects Speech Fluency?

Did you know that one ear hears your voice better than your other ear? Being able to hear background sounds while talking helps you sense danger, stay safe. Do you like and possibly seek the stimulation of music that makes your bones vibrate? Sounds conducted through...

Hearing Like Superman; A Gift Or A Burden?

Lack of tolerance to sounds tolerated by others creates feelings of anxiety, emotional distress, and distractibility. What would your response be if the sound of falling rain sounded like small pebbles hitting your windshield? Almost all of my clients with sound...

Sound Sensitivity With and Without Hearing Loss

Stories help you understand the difference between sensitivities to sounds versus sound intolerance. Are you intolerant to high frequency sounds like a bird singing; a dog barking; and sounds from technology. Overstimulation from sounds are more invisible making it...